Gurung Valley is owned and operated by Maila Gurung, a local to the Trisuli River who has always dreamed about starting a resort on the banks of the Trisuli river.

In 2009 Maila started a rafting and kayaking business in Nepal, GRG’s Adventure Kayaking.  Over time, the business became extremely successful and grew, and he wanted to develop a piece of land to run trips from and also offer other experiences, such as team building, yoga and home stays.

In 2016 Maila became the owner of this fantastic piece of land and set about developing it. He wanted to create a place that rafters and kayakers to could to chill whilst paddling on the Trisuli river, as well as a place that people could immerse themselves in the local culture. He wanted it to be the type of place that you booked to stay a night tagged onto your rafting day trip, and ended up staying for a week. One, because there are so many things to do around here, but two, because it’s a beautiful and chilled out place to spend your time.

And so became Gurung Valley.

Gurung Valley is the base camp for all our adventures, but it is also our home. We live here, we grow vegetables from the land, and we spend all our time here (when we are not on the water that is!) We welcome you here and hope that you enjoy our home as much as we do. 

Prayer flgs